How To Find Off-Campus Research Opportunities
Ask faculty and students in your program for information on research experiences in your area, and search the websites below for opportunities.
Council for Undergraduate Research
The Council for Undergraduate Research highlights special funding and research opportunities for undergraduate students. Create your account. Students may sign on to the Registry of Student Researchers at no cost. Faculty are eligible for membership as part of Illinois State University's Institutional Membership. Sign up now to access all of CUR's Resources.
Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research
The Midwest Journal of Undergraduate Research is a leading national journal of undergraduate research that features exceptional undergraduate scholarly efforts and accomplishments. A multidisciplinary scholarly journal, it is produced by a team of Monmouth College student editors and faculty members with peer and faculty (or experts in the field) reviewers for each article. Download the submission details here!
National Institutes of Health
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research.
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation and Research Experiences for Undergraduates are special programs for undergraduate students funded by the National Science Foundation or host institutions. Programs are also funded specifically for graduate students.
Pathways To Science
Use the database at Pathways to Science to search 1,200 fully-funded opportunities in the STEM fields.
Sigma Xi
Grants in Aid of Research (GAIR) provides research grants for undergraduate and graduate students in the sciences. Sigma Xi members are eligible for increased grant amounts up to $5,000 for graduate students and up to $2,000 for undergraduate students. Non-member applicants are eligible for grants up to $1,000. Deadlines in March and October. Visit sigmaxi.org/GIAR to learn more about the program, including application resources, testimonials, and links to apply.
Undergraduate Summer Research in the Arts and Humanities
The Council for Undergraduate Research has compiled a list of opportunities for Summer Research Experience Opportunities in the Arts and Humanities. Various deadlines.
The Web Guide to Research for Undergraduates is an interactive web-based tool intended to assist undergraduates in navigating the hurdles of an undergraduate research experience.